I've been asked this question lately so I went on a little research mission to help you, my pamper deserving friends, understand just what the difference is. Did you even know there was a difference between the two? It's ok, most people don't and I didn't either until I became a Jordan Essentials consultant.
A Naturally Based product (like Jordan Essentials offers) contains a majority of naturally derived ingredients, as you can see from our list of ingredients on the products, on the website and in the product glossary that each Jordie (consultants) should download when they get started.
An All-Natural product contains nothing but natural naturally derived ingredients. Now I know it definitely sounds better in theory, but there are some drawbacks. With an All-Natural product there are absolutely no preservatives whatsoever, so that means that hand cream or that face cream you just spent your hard-earned money on is going to go rancid before you even use it all. This not only makes these products expensive but also makes them potentially harmful to your skin. Mold, mildew, bacteria, these are definitely not things we would want to be putting on our skin.
By choosing a naturally-based product, you're still getting all of that wonderful quality but you're also getting a longer shelf-life too.
So whether you're a customer or a Jordie, you want to be sure you're using the correct terms for your products. It makes a difference. As always Jordan Essentials is all about transparency and you can see every single ingredient that's in every single one of our products - listed on the product itself, and available through every consultant as well.
Customer Care is really great about answering product and/or ingredient questions as well. And of course I'm always happy to help out and answer any questions you may have.
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